Exotic Invasives in Asia
evoluhol at magnum.wpe.com
evoluhol at magnum.wpe.com
Sun Aug 30 04:04:34 EDT 1998
In article <35E44AEB.F28 at usl.edu>, jacoby carter <jacoby_carter at usl.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to organize a symposium on Exotic Invasives in Asia for the
> next Ecological Society of America annual meeting. The meeting will be
> held in Spokane, Washington State, USA August 1999.
I am not sure that it is anything to speak on as the movments across the
pacific have been well docmumeted - but I have seen the migratory
subspecies of the monarch, Danaus plexippus plexippus, as it spreads in
Papua New Guinea. Though its foodplants are of no value to humans any
more (as a child during the second world war I was one of those that
collected pods for the USA armed forces to use the "silk" in bomber
jackets) I have had some concern that this Mexican/American Danaid might
crowd out hamata, chrysippus and numerous other Asian Danaids by having
their spreading ability second only to painted lady (cardui).
The invasion of the migratory subspecies of the monarch into areas of
the non migratory subspecies has aready created havoc in behaviors in some
areas of South America.
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