Exotic Invasives in Asia

Semjase semjase at aol.com
Sun Aug 30 16:51:20 EDT 1998


Apparently they will crossbreed, any hybrids?

S.>I am not sure that it is anything to speak on as the movments across the
>pacific have been well docmumeted - but I have seen the migratory
>subspecies of the monarch, Danaus plexippus plexippus, as it spreads in
>Papua New Guinea.  Though its foodplants are of no value to humans any
>more (as a child during the second world war I was one of those that
>collected pods for the USA armed forces to use the "silk" in bomber
>jackets) I have had some concern that this Mexican/American Danaid might
>crowd out hamata, chrysippus and numerous other Asian Danaids by having
>their spreading ability second only to painted lady (cardui).
>     The invasion of the migratory subspecies of the monarch into areas of
>the non migratory subspecies has aready created havoc in behaviors in some
>areas of South America.

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