New Moths Web Resource
llecerf at
llecerf at
Mon Aug 31 20:20:16 EDT 1998
Very useful site to determine moths ! I had nothing to determine western moth
and this will help me. You are already in my favourite links !
In article <85256671.00514131.00 at>,
John.Snyder at wrote:
> I am pleased to announce a new Web resource for people interested in the
> moths of North America. I have compiled a quite large list of links to
> images of both larvae (caterpillars) and adults of the species covered by
> the Hodges checklist. Entitled ?Web Images of North American Moth
> Species,? it can be viewed and used at this web address
> Rather than containing the actual images, it puts together a list of links
> that send you to the images at other sites. It is arranged by family,
> genus, and species according to the order of the Hodges checklist
> (therefore, in a logical taxonomic sequence). It can be searched by any of
> these categories.
> Although I used an efficient web-searching tool (Hotbot, usually), and
> looked for every genus listed by Hodges, the resulting set provides images
> for only about 5% of the known North American species. It is obvious that
> those of us with useful images and/or the facilities to place them on the
> web still have a long way to go if we want the web to become a very useful
> source of information about this group of animals. There is particular
> need to provide images of moth species that are neither ?showy? or of
> economic importance.
> Even the most efficient web-searching tool misses many sites. If you know
> of web images of species that I did not find, please let me know about
> them. I will be constantly updating and refreshing the list.
> If you try this resource and come up with suggestions for improving it,
> please let me know.
> John Snyder
> Dept. of Biology
> Furman University
> Greenville, SC USA
> john.snyder at
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