2nd RFD for uk.rec.lepidoptera

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Tue Dec 1 12:40:21 EST 1998

Phil Howson wrote:

> More importantly, the reason I think it will be a good thing is that it
> will encourage the interest of alot more people.  Whilst the pressure on
> wildlife increases everywhere the densely populated UK badly needs popular
> interest for its protection.  My two young nieces who spend alot of time
> on
> the internet are young members of the RSPB (Royal Society for the
> Protection of Birds) and the successful approach of the birding community
> (who, of course, have the uk.rec.birdwatching newsgroup) is something I
> think would work just as well for lepidoptera.  With 0.001 UKP per minute
> dial up connections to the internet and free internet accounts I would
> hope
> there would be more interested people.
	I must say that I sort of feel bad for posting against the formation
of the UK newsgroup after reading Phil's response here.  It suddenly
occurred to me that there were perhaps a thousand reasons for people to get
together and join in discussion, and if creating a forum for where the
issues of UK butterfly awareness and conservation can be discussed directly
and unhindered (whether directly or indirectly) will help to further this
cause in the United Kingdom, then what in the world am I doing trying to
interfere with that?

	Rather, let me only make a plea to those out there who are listening
(and apparently you are out there) - whereever you may be from - to share
all of your lepidoptera related questions, anecdotes, and charges with us
here in this forum - regardless of your experience or lack of _credentials_.
If you do decide to create another group which will better serve your
particular interests or concerns, then I would only request that you do
cross post whenever possible and keep us informed.

	Mark Walker
	Mission Viejo, CA

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