Hungry mantis

Gaden S. Robinson gsr at
Tue Dec 1 13:17:27 EST 1998

Anne Kilmer needn't worry about winter - Terence Tan is in Singapore and an
outside porch or verandah light at night should provide enough small moths
all the year round to keep his mantis going. They don't need much *and if
they are not hungry they won't feed*.

Tiny slivers of raw meat held in a pair of forceps and waved slowly in
front of the mantis might prove a delicacy if Terence is too deep in the
urban jungle to get many moths.

Gaden Robinson

Gaden S. Robinson, DSc, Research Entomologist, Department of Entomology,
The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, LONDON SW7 5BD, UK
Tel: +44-(0)171-938-9494. Fax: +44-(0)171-938-8937.
INTERNET: gsr at
WWW: [and]
Research programs: Microlepidoptera systematics; hostplant database

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