Total species of insects

Gaden S. Robinson gsr at
Tue Dec 1 15:41:09 EST 1998


A good start (in a confrontational debate!) is Kevin Gaston's paper "The
Magnitude of Global Insect Species Richness", Conservation Biology 5(3):
283-296, 1991.

Gaden Robinson

At 20:38 01/12/98 -0000, you wrote:
>Can anyone help me?  I need to find the current estimates for described
>species of insects in order groups.
>Does anyone know where I can find out within the next 36 hours?  (I am
>preparing a lecture!)
>Thanks in advance
>Dr David Chesmore, FRES
>Control & Intelligent Systems Engineering Group
>School of Engineering
>Faculty of Engineering & Mathematics
>University of Hull
>Hull, HU6 7RX
>tel/fax: +1482 465062
>message pager:  07654 266522
Gaden S. Robinson, DSc, Research Entomologist, Department of Entomology,
The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, LONDON SW7 5BD, UK
Tel: +44-(0)171-938-9494. Fax: +44-(0)171-938-8937.
INTERNET: gsr at
WWW: [and]
Research programs: Microlepidoptera systematics; hostplant database

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