New books

Nigel Venters venters at
Mon Dec 14 13:29:12 EST 1998

UK lep-lovers may well have been hit by a mailshot advertising some new
Entomology books. I received one on Saturday that suggested I could save up
to £10 by ordering books.The three books were £185 (Special discount £10), 
£95 (Special discount £5), and £25 (No discount) I then saw that
irrespective of quantity the P&P was £5! Seeing as I wanted only the £25
book I thought £5 a bit steep fro P&P and went to my local bookshop, who
promised to get me the book by this thursday for £25! Based on this the
only benefit or saving this offer has is £5 if you buy the £175 book. Not
to good a deal if you ask me!
Nigel Venters

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