2nd RFD for uk.rec.lepidoptera

Dave Mayall david.mayall at ukonline.co.uk
Sat Dec 19 06:37:46 EST 1998

On Fri, 18 Dec 1998 23:59:04 -0000, "Sean Danischevsky"
<mervyn97 at yahoo.com> wrote:

>er, I have two questions.  First is, how come you're going through this
>lengthy referendum procedure when other people just create them (usually
>idiotic names like alt.bin.erotic.sux.log.lengthyname ?

Because this is uk.*, and we insist that people do it like this, That
is why uk.* is not a cess pool like alt.*

>The second is, what is a lepidoptera?

Butterfly IIRC

Dave Mayall

This posting is made in a personal capacity, the views expressed
may not be those of the UK Usenet Committee.

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