A moth that mimics Parides.

Roger C. KENDRICK kendrick at hkusua.hku.hk
Mon Dec 21 02:11:34 EST 1998

Hi Greg,

Could be a whole host of species, even different families. Could you possibly
take a photo of the beast and post it on a website somewhere - then at least
the rest of us will have a fighting chance!



Gregory Nielsen wrote:

>   Could any one help on this. I caught a large dusky-black moth with red
> spots on the hind wings and white spots on the uppers.The labial palpi are
> enlongated and project out from the head like psuedo antennae. In flight it
> looks like a Parides. It was caught in Villavicencio, Colombia at 450 mt
> altitude. I´m curious as to where else this moth is found and if there are
> any more moth Parides-mimics.       Greg Nielsen

Roger C. KENDRICK   B.Sc.(Hons.)
PhD student & Demonstrator, Dept of Ecology & Biodiversity
The University of Hong Kong
mailto:kendrick at hkusua.hku.hk
http://web.hku.hk/~kendrick/hkmoth.htm   « Hong Kong Moths »
http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/1085/   « H.K. Lepidoptera Group »

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