Santa Ana NWR Christmas Bird (& Butterfly) Count
Mike Quinn
mqnature at
Mon Dec 21 00:57:23 EST 1998
Dear Subscribers and Friends,
Christmas Bird (& Butterfly) Count
Texas, Hidalgo County
Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge
Territory #9, western 1/3 of refuge (Cattail Lake was dry)
Morning of December 19, 1998
Ray and Lynn Bieber, Carrie Cate, Minnie Jo, Betty Perez, Mike Quinn
A beautiful day! Birding highlights include: 5 Groove-billed Ani's, 1
White-tailed Hawk and 1 Hook-billed Hawk.
The Butterflies were nearly as diverse as the Birds:
Great Southern White - 2 in open areas
Orange Sulphur - 1 in open area
Southern Dogface - 1 in open area
Cloudless Sulphur - 1
Large Orange Sulphur - 2
Lyside Butterfly - 7 trail and road sides, (abundant in spring)
Tailed Orange - 2 trail side
Little Yellow - common throughout the refuge
Silver-banded Hairstreak - Saw 3, 2 in immaculate condition
Gray Hairstreak - only one, scarcer than the Silver-bandeds!!??
Blue sp. - 1 never stopped flying!
Metalmark sp. - 1 *Calephlis* sp. at new HQ garden
American Snout - many scattered throughout the refuge
Gulf Fritillary - 4, mostly in forest openings
Zebra - 2 along forested trails (7 in communal roost so. of old HQ on the 16th)
Bordered Patch - 1 adult, ~ 100 larvae on Common Sunflower
Texan Crescent - 3
Phaon Crescent - 3 in open areas, regular at new HQ garden
Pearl Crescent - a few on the open dirt roads & a few at new HQ's garden
Red Admiral - 4, here and there, fresh
White Peacock - 50+, rarely less than 3 in sight at all times
Mexican Bluewing - 3 Jaguarundi Trail south of Highline Trail, forested areas
Blue-eyed Sailor - 1 immaculate, Jaguarundi Trail south of Highline Trail,
Common Mestra - 6 good numbers for this time of year
Tawny Emperor - 1, usually more common
Gemmed Satyr - 3
Carolina Satyr - 1
Monarch - 1
Queen - many nectaring on Common Sunflowers
Soldier - 3 at Cattail Lake, 3 more at new HQ garden
White-patched Skipper - 1 fresh individual
Common Checkered-Skipper - abundant
Tropical Checkered-Skipper - 1
Laviana Skipper - common in open areas, Cattail Lake
Turk's-cap White-Skipper - I think I saw 1 individual
Clouded Skipper - 50+, will eat Guinea Grass
Purple-washed Skipper - 1 nectaring on Lantana
Towards late morning, Lynn Bieber remarked, "Your know, it's more
comfortable standing in the shade." And so it was. High temperature ~85F.
Joe Ideker said that he counted just over 50 species while walking 7 miles
on the refuge one day earlier this month!!!
Charles W. Bordelon, Jr. is the Zone 6 (OK, TX, AR, LA) Coordinator for the
Lepidopterists' Society. Please send him any unusual Moth or Butterfly
records you might have.
Charles Bordelon, Jr.
8440 Washington Boulevard
Beaumont, TX 77707
(409) 866-8163
Thanks, Mike
Mike Quinn <MQnature at>
Vice President of South Texas Chapter
North American Butterfly Association
1708 Hunt Ave. Donna, TX 78537-2924
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