Santa Ana NWR Christmas Bird (& Butterfly) Count

Neil Jones Neil at
Mon Dec 21 17:37:53 EST 1998

In article <v04003a07b2a1861321cb@[]>
           mqnature at "Mike Quinn" writes:

> Dear Subscribers and Friends,
> Christmas Bird (& Butterfly) Count
> Texas, Hidalgo County
> Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge
> Territory #9, western 1/3 of refuge (Cattail Lake was dry)
> Morning of December 19, 1998
> Ray and Lynn Bieber, Carrie Cate, Minnie Jo, Betty Perez, Mike Quinn
> A beautiful day! Birding highlights include: 5 Groove-billed Ani's, 1
> White-tailed Hawk and 1 Hook-billed Hawk.
> The Butterflies were nearly as diverse as the Birds:

It is nice to know in the depths of a British winter that at least somewhere
there are butterflies flying. The last lepidopteran  I saw was probably a
clothes moth. The weather here is dreadful. I got soaked coming home
and then couldn't get the heating to come on ARGH!!!
Roll on Spring.

Keep those lovely exotic reports coming to brighten up winter for those
of us living further north.

Nadolig Llawen  (Happy Christmas)

> Thanks, Mike
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Mike Quinn <MQnature at>
> Vice President of South Texas Chapter
> North American Butterfly Association
> 1708 Hunt Ave. Donna, TX 78537-2924

Neil Jones- Neil at
"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
National Nature Reserve

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