xmas quiz question ....

Anne Kilmer viceroy at gate.net
Mon Dec 21 11:18:18 EST 1998

Hint ... they probably have been eating cherry leaves or relatives
Not mistletoe, although that would be more Christmasy. 
Speaking of which, anybody happen to know of the southern edge of Great
Purple Hairstreak (Atlides halesus) population in Florida?  
I've found a major mistletoe infestation, and wonder if it's worth our
while staking it out. 
Merry happy joyous holidays
Anne Kilmer
South Florida
lithos wrote:
> Q: Which moths contain cyanide ?
> im not sure that the answer is a actually a moth but
> you peeps would know if it was
> Cheers
> -- Rob.
> ....................................................................
>    Rob Stone, Dept Psychology, University of York, York, YO10 5DD
>  rfs1 AT york.ac.uk.  www.york.ac.uk/~rfs1  Tel +44 1904 433161
>      Chocfeast 4  23rd Jan 1999  http://chocfest.york.ac.uk/

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