xmas quiz question ....

Nigel Venters venters at interalpha.co.uk
Mon Dec 21 14:05:43 EST 1998

I'd guess at Rhodogastria bubo, widespread in Africa and goes by the
English name of "White Frother" as it exudes a toxic yellow liquid from the
thorax (Base of forewing) If I remember rightly I believe this has cyanide
as a property of the froth!

lithos <rob at psych.york.ac.uk> wrote in article
<rob-2112981208470001 at rastelli.york.ac.uk>...
> Q: Which moths contain cyanide ?
> im not sure that the answer is a actually a moth but 
> you peeps would know if it was
> Cheers
> -- Rob.
> ....................................................................
>    Rob Stone, Dept Psychology, University of York, York, YO10 5DD
>  rfs1 AT york.ac.uk.  www.york.ac.uk/~rfs1  Tel +44 1904 433161
>      Chocfeast 4  23rd Jan 1999  http://chocfest.york.ac.uk/ 

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