xmas quiz question ....

lithos rob at psych.york.ac.uk
Tue Dec 22 05:24:43 EST 1998

 I asked ...

>lithos <rob at psych.york.ac.uk> wrote in article
><rob-2112981208470001 at rastelli.york.ac.uk>...
>> Q: Which moths contain cyanide ?
>> im not sure that the answer is a actually a moth but 
>> you peeps would know if it was

so far (amd thanks for the help)

here is the voting :

 Burnet Moths   3
 Ermine Moth    1 
 Cinnabar moth  1
 White Frother  1

interstingly when I look on the web at Burnet moths not mention ,but i
dont havbe the text book and knowlege you guys do
and of course I dont know where the quiz setter found his info.

THanks very much most helpful

have a great crimbo break.

-- Rob.
   Rob Stone, Dept Psychology, University of York, York, YO10 5DD
 rfs1 AT york.ac.uk.  www.york.ac.uk/~rfs1  Tel +44 1904 433161
     Chocfeast 4  23rd Jan 1999  http://chocfest.york.ac.uk/ 

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