Coronado National Memorial, Cochise County, Arizona

Hank Brodkin hankb at
Tue Feb 3 22:03:56 EST 1998

Leppers and Ranger Barb,

Butterflies seen today (3 February) on the trail to the cave with
Vicki's oak group included a good hatch of Common Checkered Skippers
(Pyrgus communis albescens), two Southern Dogface (Colias cesonia) and
one Common Blue (Celestrina argiolus).  Also a glimpse at what probably
was a Comon Buckeye (Junonia coenia).  The temperature was in the
mid-sixties and with rain on the way this promises to be a good season
for leps in the Memorial.

  Hank Brodkin, Nicksville, AZ
              31.44 Degrees N, 110.23 Degrees W
        send mailto:hankb at

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