February 1998 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun Feb 1 01:01:04 EST 1998
Ending: Sat Feb 28 23:26:48 EST 1998
Messages: 160
- Actias selene
- Butterfly Page - Complete Overhaul
Chuck Vaughn
- Permits/Prices for U.S. Moth Cocoons?
- Coronado National Memorial, Cochise County, Arizona
Hank Brodkin
- Preparing for the new season
David H. Small
- (no subject)
ReneK59 at aol.com
- Luna Moth larvae
Thomas, Tony
- C. regalis info
Patrick Marceau
- Vote for a Butterfly Site
Jason Eagle
- Luna Moth larvae
Chris Conlan
- E-mail addresses
Dr. James Adams
- New official Butterfly Conservation WWW site.
Neil Jones
- Trade Leps
- - - Violated Teeny Boppers Forced to be in PORNO PICS!
me at 4everyone.com
- Where to complain (Violated Teeny Boppers)
Doug Yanega
- Legal protection of Monarch Butterfly winter roosts
Bill Voigt
- Moths new for the Saudi Arabian fauna
legrain at club.innet.be
- Collecting in Florida
kirk.zufelt at utoronto.ca
- Collecting in Florida
Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX
- Collecting in Florida
Mark Walker
- uptight/strange/illegal behaviour
Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX
- Collecting in Florida/ Uptight National Park Rangers
Bruce Walsh
- Collecting in Florida
Dr. James Adams
- Collecting in Florida
Kenelm Philip
- uptight/strange/illegal behaviour
Pavulaan at aol.com
- Florida collecting
Mark Deering
- Collecting, etc.
Pavulaan at aol.com
- re park collecting
MCCORKLE, DAVID - Natural Science
- butterflies in singapore
Andrea Hoffmann
- early moths
Martin Honey
- Collecting in Florida (Anne)
Mark Walker
- Council
Michael Gochfeld
- Legal protection of Monarch Butterfly winter roosts
Mark Walker
- early moths
Dr. James Adams
- Collecting in Florida
Neil Jones
- Collecting in Florida
Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX
- response to Neil Jones re: permits
Pavulaan at aol.com
- Collecting in Florida (Neil)
Mark Walker
- Parks & collecting
Kenelm Philip
- Collecting, etc.
Neil Jones
- Collecting in Florida (E.D.)
Mark Walker
- El Nino and Butteflies
Daniel Glaeske
- not collecting
Mike Soukup
- El Nino and Butteflies
Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX
- El Nino and Butteflies
Mark Walker
- Collecting in Florida (Neil)
Neil Jones
- Eastern/Canadian Tiger Swallowtails
Chris Michener
- Attention UK Phd students
Neil Jones
- Arizona Butterfly Sites?
ckeys at eurekanet.com
- Mild winters and butterflies
Michael Gochfeld
- Advertisement
Patrick Marceau
- The Lepidoptera Journal
Patrick Marceau
- el nino
Andrea Knebel
- el nino
Mark Walker
- Aberrant specimens
Antonio Ordoqez
- wild release doesn't work?
Pavulaan at aol.com
- wild release doesn't work?
lday at iquest.net
- moth taxonomy
- $1000/week Donating Sperm
steven at mki.com
- moth taxonomy
Martin Honey
- Mild winter butterflies
J.B.Murray (John Murray)
- North American Moth Guides
Donald Hobern
- Mild winter butterflies
- El nino
Ken Adams
- Resist the impulse
Michael Gochfeld
- Mild winter butterflies
- (Fwd) Resist the impulse
Michael Gochfeld
- "Puddling spot"
Harriett Wright
- Early UK sightings
Neil Jones
- Mild winter butterflies (Uk)
Andrew Wood
- British moths in North America
Dr Mark Young, Culterty Field Station
- Gifu Butterfly Re: New Book: Butterflies of Micronesia
Nathan Schiff
- lep'ing in Oaxaca
Peter Payzant
- Monarchs
Sally Levinson
- Isle of Man
Patti Ensor
Kuniomi Matsumoto
- more early moths
Martin Honey
- American Somoa
Jungletour at aol.com
Mark Walker
- American Somoa
Bruce Walsh
- Moth identification
Adam Lane (antispam)
- butterfly radiation
Michael Gochfeld
- White Queen Pupae
Bobby Gendron
- LEPS-L digest 297
- Western Samoa
Niklas Wahlberg
- new books
Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX
- Association
Museo de Mariposas - Andres E VARGA
- Polygonia satyrus in SE Arizona
Hank Brodkin
- Simpson 's index biodiversity
- Cold tolerance
- So. Calif. Butterflies
Wanda Dameron
- early moth
Daniel & Monica Glaeske
- Do u Know why you receive so many email?
stacy911 at pop.net
- FWD: hawkmoth toxins GEHP
Gordon Ramel
- Any insect dealer on internet
Dmitriy Sobanin
- Silkmoth Web Page
Thomas, Tony
- logging and butterflies
Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX
- Invitation to the amazon Rainforest
Jaime Acevedo
- Butterfly colour vision
- moth research
Andrea Hoffmann
- logging and butterflies
Mark Walker
- Erora laeta + logging
Thomas, Tony
- logging and butterflies (fwd)
Amy E. M. Waltz
- Taiwanese butterfly exchange
Loh Shi Wui
- PLEASE help-insect breathing info.
- L.A. County Butterflies
Wanda Dameron
- Paper Butterflies for Butterfly Lovers
SciNet Ltd
- First real spring sighting in Maryland!
- ex-USSR butterflies & beetles
Alexei G. Belik
- Spring Sightings.
Gary Anweiler
Last message date:
Sat Feb 28 23:26:48 EST 1998
Archived on: Mon May 7 01:28:39 EDT 2012
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