Collecting in Florida/ Uptight National Park Rangers

Bruce Walsh jbwalsh at
Mon Feb 9 17:56:33 EST 1998

In regard to the ongoing discussion, and in particular butterfly watching
in the National Parks/Forests of SE Arizona, let me state that there are
NO endangered or threatened species in any of these parks/forests. 
Certainly, there are species with restricted ranges (after all, many are near
the northern end of their range), but these are generally rather common
locally and almost all have fairly good size populations on non-government

The one thing we wish to avoid is to create a situation wherein rare
butterflies that should be protected are not reported.  The most important
source of information on butterfly distributions are collectors/observers
and increased (positive) exchanges between these individuals and
government biologists would benefit all parities. 



Bruce Walsh
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Arizona
Tucson,  AZ  85721  USA

Office:  520 621-1915
Fax (Departmental)  520 621 9190
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