more early moths

Martin Honey M.Honey at
Fri Feb 20 03:45:44 EST 1998

Dear All

The continuing mild weather warranted a second visit to Ashtead Common,
Surrey, UK last night (19 Feb. 1998). From approx. 18.30 to 20.30 we
recorded the following species, either at MV light or by searching:

numerous Tortricodes alternella ([D. & S.])
plus a couple of unidentified tortricids, Acleris spp.

several yellow horned Achyla flavicornis (Linnaeus)

several male March moth Alsophila aescularia ([D. & S.]) (our only Oenochromine)
one shoulder stripe Anticlea badiata ([D. & S.])
several male Small Brindled Beauty Apocheima hispidaria ([D. & S.])
several male Pale Brindled Beauty Apocheima pilosaria ([D. & S.])
a male oak beauty Biston strataria (Hufnagel)
several male Spring Usher Agriopis leucophaearia ([D. & S.]) showing a range
of forms
numerous male and one female Dotted Border Agriopis marginaria (Fabricius)
one male Early moth Theria primaria (Haworth)

a few common quaker Orthosia cerasi (Fabricius)
a clouded drab Orthosia incerta (Hufnagel)
one hebrew character Orthosia gothica (Linnaeus)
several satellite Eupsilia transversa (Hufnagel)


Martin R. Honey CBiol MIBiol, Linnaean Butterfly Project
Biodiversity Division, Department of Entomology
The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road
London, SW7 5BD, Great Britain
TELEPHONE: 0171 938 8735     International: 44 171 938 8735
FAX:       0171 938 8937     International: 44 171 938 8937
EMAIL:     M.Honey at

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