Collecting in Florida (Neil)

E.D.Chesmore E.D.Chesmore at
Thu Feb 12 04:16:44 EST 1998


let's not get back into the collecting debate again.  This 
seems to crop up just about annually, usually when someone 
says something about collecting and Neil Jones replies!

The collecting debate is not likely to go away but those of 
us who have been on Leps-L for some time will remember the 
acrimonious, and even insulting at times, comments from 
both sides of the argument.

I feel that the argument for/against collecting can never 
be won on any grounds including sicnetific research and 
moral/ethics so let's drop it and discuss something else.  
Those who have joined since the last debate can look in the 
archives and judge for themselves.

Dr David Chesmore, FRES
Control & Intelligent Systems Engineering Group
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Hull
Hull, HU6 7RX, UK.
Tel: +1482 465062; Fax: +1482 466664
E.D.Chesmore at

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