Taiwanese butterfly exchange

Loh Shi Wui f4624109 at ms.cc.ntu.edu.tw
Fri Feb 27 13:42:30 EST 1998

I have some butterflies as list below, all of them is in perfect condition
and well label in paper enverlope. I would like to exchange tiger moth
(Arctiinae) and wasp moth (Ctenuchidae) of other geographical region. All
exchangement materials would be used in reserach study.

Other Order or Family of insects are also welcome!

Nymphalidae                                        Quantity
Phalanta phalanta                                     5
Argyreus hyperbius                                5M5F
Nymphalis xanthomelas formosana         5
Polygonia c-aureum lunulata                   10
Precis orithya orithya                               5
Timelaea albescens formosana                5
Symbrenthia javanus formosanus           7
Dravira chrysolona                                6M2F

Lycaenidae                                     Quantity
Zizeeria maha okinawana                     5
Chilades peripatria                              20M20F
Deudorix eryx horiella                         2M3F

Pieridae                                         Quantity
Appias indra aristoxenus                    10M
Eurema blanda arsakia                       5
Anosia chrysippus                             5M5F
Catopsilia pomona pomona               5M
Papilionidae                                    Quantity
Papilio castor formosanus                   5
Any who are interest Please send Mail to f4624109 at ms.cc.ntu.edu.tw

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