early moths
Martin Honey
M.Honey at nhm.ac.uk
Tue Feb 10 04:06:32 EST 1998
Dear All
The currently mild February weather brought back thoughts of fieldwork -
hence a visit to Ashtead Common, Surrey, UK last night in the company of
Mark Parsons. We were only there for about one and a half hours but a search
of scrub and tree trunks, by torchlight, revealed the following species:
several male Early moth Theria primaria (Haworth)
several male Dotted Border Agriopis marginaria (Fabricius)
several male Spring Usher Agriopis leucophaearia ([D. & S.]), plus a pair
"in cop" and
the tortricid Tortricodes alternella ([D. & S.]).
We also ran an MV trap in one of the rides and recorded:
over 50 male Spring Usher showing a range of forms
several more Torticodes alternella
a male Small Brindled Beauty Apocheima hispidaria ([D. & S.]) and
a male Pale Brindled Beauty Apocheima pilosaria ([D. & S.])
A male of the last mentioned species had also been seen earlier in the year,
on 12 January 1998, in the grounds of the Natural History Museum, London, -
the first moth recorded there this year.
No new records among them but good to see them all
Martin R. Honey CBiol MIBiol, Linnaean Butterfly Project
Biodiversity Division, Department of Entomology
The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road
London, SW7 5BD, Great Britain
TELEPHONE: 0171 938 8735 International: 44 171 938 8735
FAX: 0171 938 8937 International: 44 171 938 8937
EMAIL: M.Honey at nhm.ac.uk
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