Legal protection of Monarch Butterfly winter roosts

Mark Walker mwalker at
Tue Feb 10 10:04:31 EST 1998

Bill Voight wrote:

>Does anyone know of any statewide legislation protecting  winter roost
sites of the Monarch in California?  I know that Pacific Grove has
implemented local protection, but do not know of any state wide

I don't know of any statewide protection.  I know that most people in
California seem to think that the butterfly is under total protection in all
locations and at all times of the year.  I believe this is an example of a
propagated untruth.  Obviously, while roosting they should have some sort of
protection, and in the case of Pacific Grove, there is an additional
economic interest in providing protection (there is a substantial tourist
income centered on the Monarch there).  I know that in other areas on the
coast (Cambria for example), there is a perception of protection during all
times of the year.  Sometimes this perception results in strict
_enforcement_ by well meaning but misguided citizens.  Sadly, during the
peak winter migration one may literally find thousands of dead Monarchs
along the side of highway 1.  Just don't be caught picking them up!

Bill, I would be very interested in any information you may obtain.


Mark Walker
Castleton, VT

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