Collecting in Florida

kirk.zufelt at kirk.zufelt at
Mon Feb 9 10:39:02 EST 1998

Be extremely careful were you collect in Florida,especially in the
south.Collecting in almost any park-(National,State,local etc.)is
considered a "capital offence".Areas that are not marked may still be
sate/national park/refuge etc.This is especially true in the Keys.These
areas are patrolled very heavily and ignorance will not buy you any
sympathy.The inumerable different wildlife agencies in Florida are
extremely aggressive if you are caught they will confiscate all,search
your hotel,charge you and maybe even toss you in jail.They will as well
enjoy the entire process.A couple of years ago I was walking around near
Big Pine Key bird watching at 0730,I was harassed as a wildlife officer
noted a butterfly book in my front seat.They asked to look in the
trunk(illegally i'm sure)and I had a couple of nets.They tore apart my car
finding nothing they accompanied me to my hotel room in Homestead which
they searched diligently,examining every butterfly I had collected in
North Florida.AS i had done nothing wrong they could not charge me however
they did confiscate my nets,envelopes etc. I hate to think what would
happen if they caught you collecting. Florida can be great in February I
have seen 80 sp. in this month alone but be very careful.

On Wed, 28 Jan 1998 Peter.Trieb at wrote:

> I'll be in Florida from Feb., 02., for 3 weeks (first time).
> This trip had to be arranged in very short time, so I didn't have the
> opportunity to check the following points:
> *) is it legal to collect butterflies in Florida? What about National
> Parks, State Parks, etc.?
> *) which species may be encountered (if any) at this time of the year?
> I'm mainly interested in day-flying species (no moths)
> *) where are the best locations?
> Any other tips on nature-related matters concerning Florida will be highly
> appreciated as well.
> Please answer directly to my e-mail address, as I'm not able to retrieve
> UseNet.
> Thanks, Peter Trieb
> Peter.Trieb at
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