Collecting, etc.
semjase at
Fri Feb 13 22:18:50 EST 1998
>ubject: Re: Collecting, etc.
>From: Pierre Zagatti <zagatti at>
>Date: Fri, Feb 13, 1998 05:46 EST
>Message-id: <34E4240A.43F2 at>
>Neil Jones wrote:
>> In message <35361213.34dfd5ef at> Pavulaan at writes:
>> >
>> >
>> > 1) The best way to protect endangered species from those busloads of
>> > collectors is to allow licensed commercial breeding of such species.
>> > Commercially-bred (and I might add: perfect-quality) specimens will
>> > the demand for illegal wild-caught specimens. I guess the success of
>> > butterfly ranching experiments worldwide just aren't convincing proof
>> > for our government beauraucrats.
>> Practical experience here in the UK shows that this doesn't work.
>> We have legislation that allows trading in certain species provided
>> they are captice bred. The definition allows for things that are not bred
>> but reared from a wild caught female.
>Maybe it's a little bit more complex. Rearing farms usually sell
>species that are not really endangered by collection, but suffer
>habitat destruction. In the tropics, these species are bought by
>rather than by amateur entomologists (ex: Asian birdwing butts). When
>are no rearing farms, these insects are caught in the wild and sold to
>tourists (ex: Morphos and Agrias in French Guyana).
>Now Neil refers to the temperate country situation, with really
>species, and he is right when he states that it doesn't work. The reared
>insects (as Potosia mirifica in France) are not really attractive for
>the collectors.
>INRA Unite de Phytopharmacie et Mediateurs Chimiques
>78026 Versailles Cedex
>Tel: (33) 1 30 83 31 18
>e-mail zagatti at
Wait a minute, If the reared ugly butterfly is not attractive to a collector
why would a wild on be?
The only thing accompolished by goverment intrusion is loss of freedom to act
as sentient beings.
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