Collecting in Florida

Chuck Vaughn aa6g at
Wed Feb 11 09:47:23 EST 1998

Neil Jones wrote:
> > It seems they think catching butterflies is the same as shooting vertebrate
> > animals?
> Why the distinction? Or is it that "All animals are equal but some are more
> equal than others"

I hope your not going to try to tell me that catching a butterfly and putting
it in a case is the same thing as shooting a lion and hanging it's head on your
wall. I'm not buying into that argument.
>  This sounds like environmentalism run amok. Why do ignorant laws
> > like this get enacted?
> What is ignorant about realising that butterflies are proper animals worthy
> of conservation?
> This is the first step in getting people to conserve habitats.
> While the reaction of the authorities may seem to be heavy handed
> It actually is the start of enlightenment.

I never said they weren't worthy of conservation. What I'm saying is that it's
crazy to think that having a total hands off policy in a park will preserve the 
animals if you allow all the land to be developed outside of the park. Is there
any butterfly anywhere whose range occurs only in a park? Parks alone aren't
going to do it (unless they are vast) and that's why I think such heavy handed
policies don't make sense.

>  I thought the reason we *had* parks was for the public's
> > use. You can get a hunting license, a fishing license and even though I think
> > it's unnecessary, I wouldn't be against a butterfly catching license.
> Actually you can. Permits have been diascussed many times here.
Yes, if you're a scientist. Try getting a permit just to collect a few

After reading this list for about 2 years, I can't help but feel there is
a double standard when it comes to collecting. If you do it name of science
then it's okay but if you collect a few for pleasure then shame on you. Of
course scientists motives are entirely pure and they get no pleasure from
collecting. It's just a lousy job. ;-)

Chuck Vaughn  <aa6g at>

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