hedge apple tree?

Bob Hammon rhammon at lamar.colostate.edu
Tue Jan 20 13:51:06 EST 1998

A hedge apple is a tree called osage-orange (Maclura pomifera). It is a
spiny medium sized tree, often planted as fence rows in the midwest. The
rows are unpenetrable by large animals. The distinctive characteristics are
its large green, wart covered fruita, and bright yellow wood. The wood is
very dense and makes excellent firewood. I have no idea why it chases away
bugs, but folklore suggests that fruits placed under a bed will keep bugs
away. As far as I can tell, the only other uses of the hedge apples are for
throwing at things.

Bob Hammon
Palisade, CO
rhammon at lamar.colostate.edu

chamil wrote:

> Does anyone know what a hedge apple tree is and why it chases away bugs?
> Thanks
> chamil at cinci.infi.net

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