postings from Dave Wagner (UCONN)

Lawrence F. Gall lawrence.gall at
Wed Jan 21 11:05:43 EST 1998

Forwarding two items for LEPS-L from Dave Wagner (UCONN):

First Posting:

The USFS has just published a book on eastern forest caterpillars.
The guide illustrates 215 lepidopterans in color; an additional 35
species are diagnosed.  Copies may be obtained (free of charge) from
Richard C. Reardon, USDA Forest Service, 180 Canfield Ave.,
Morgantown, WV 26505.

Dave Wagner
Ecol & Evol Biology
Univ of Connecticut
Storrs, CT  06269	

Second Posting:

The following advertisement for a Director of the Connecticut State
Museum of Natural History at the University of Connecticut will
appear in the 16 January 1998 issue of Science and the February issue
of AAM  Aviso. Please visit the Museum's web site
(, call the Museum office
(860-486-4460), or contact me by e-mail (Kent at Darwin.EEB.UConn.Edu)
for more information about the Museum.

Kent E. Holsinger
Associate Professor of Biology and
Chair, Museum Board of Directors

                      Museum of Natural History

As chief administrative officer of the Museum, the Director is
responsible for all Museum operations, including events for the 
public and the university community, educational outreach, exhibit
development, and collections management. The Director supervises a
small permanent staff, reports to the Dean of the College of Liberal
Arts & Sciences, and is advised by an appointed Board of Directors
representing related disciplines at the University and related state
agencies. The ideal applicant might combine an earned doctorate with 
a record of responsible museum experience or an advanced degree with 
a record of substantial and responsible experience in the research,
government, private, or non-profit sectors. Completed applications
should include a curriculum vitae highlighting relevant museum
experience, a one- to two-page statement outlining a vision for the
Museum, and at least three reference letters from individuals able 
to evaluate the candidates professional, administrative, and 
leadership skills. Contact our office (860-486-4460) for an activity 
profile of the Museum. Applications should be sent to: Dr. Kent E. 
Holsinger, Chair, Museum Board of Directors, Department of Ecology & 
Evolutionary Biology, U-43, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
06269-3023. Applications received by 16 March 1998 will be assured 
of full consideration. The University of Connecticut encourages 
applications  from under-represented groups, including minorities, 
women, and those with disabilities.

: Lawrence F. Gall                  e-mail: lawrence.gall at  :
: Computer Systems Office            voice: 1-203-432-9892          :
: Peabody Museum, Yale University      FAX: 1-203-432-9816          :
: New Haven, CT 06520-8118 USA   :

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