Large moths in small spaces.

Anne Kilmer viceroy at
Mon Jul 6 04:52:58 EDT 1998

Leo Karl wrote:
> I am curious about how large moths apparently manage to get through
> small spaces.
> Is there any reason to think that they have particular abilities to
> enter places where other insects are prohibited?
> I would appreciate any thoughts.
> Leo

Unstable molecules. The Fantastic Four explained this to us all long 

As I gaze at my screens, I see narrow gaps on the sides where any 
enterprising insect might squeeze through. It is amazing what critters 
do when they are motivated.
My cat, for instance, who requires that a door be open at least 18 
inches before she will walk through, is able to squish through a 
two-inch (vertical) gap  in the jalousies when she wishes to go out. 
	Moths are much smaller than you think they are; they can fold as 
well as squeezing. Like a feather, they are mostly fluff. Their children 
are even smaller and more willing to pass through impassible barriers.
	Good old flypaper around a nightlight is a good way to capture 
these little guys, but there are probably better ways.
Anne Kilmer
South Florida

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