Large moths in small spaces.

Eric or Pat Metzler spruance at
Mon Jul 6 20:08:31 EDT 1998

When your house is completely airtight with no vents in the roof,
gables, kitchen, bath, or other places, and the doors will not close
without extra muscle because the tolerances are too close, then fewer
small moths will crawl in.  And of course you cannot open any doors to
go in or out yourself.  Until then...

And of course, moths easily come in with any food or other container. 
Sometimes they come in while in the food.  In addition to 'cabin moths'
I often get calls from folks with little millers flying about in their
houses -- even new ones that are completely caulked.  It happens.

Just like the discussion about moths 'attracted' to light, there are
lots of ideas, each person has his/her favorite, and in reality none of
us knows the answer.

Cheers to all,


Jim Taylor wrote:
> I have been waiting for someone to come up with the obvious and short-term
> answer -- and it appears it is not forthcoming.   BEFORE you chinked the
> doors and windows and any other apertures - the  millers were already there.
> I catch on a black-lighted sheet on  my front porch (much to my wife's
> dismay) and kill inside.  I lose a moth before the killing bottle on
> occasion - and they stay alive inside for about two eons.
> You might try "bombing" your place with an insecticide first and then making
> it moth-proof. Bet no millers make it through.
> Jim Taylor
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Walker <mwalker at>
> To: leps-l at <leps-l at>
> Date: Monday, July 06, 1998 11:53 AM
> Subject: Re: Large moths in small spaces.
> >
> >
> >Leo wrote:
> >
> >>I am curious about how large moths apparently manage to get through
> >>small spaces.
> >>
> >>I live in the Rocky Mountains of central Colorado where each summer we
> >>are visited by a multitude of moths locally known as "Millers".  Don't
> >>know whether they migrate in, or they are born here, and that would be
> >>another interesting question.
> >>
> >>Of great interest to me -- and of great unhappiness to many others -- is
> >>this moth's apparent ability to either fly through building materials
> >>such as wood, and glass, or Houdini like, to squeeze themselves through
> >>spaces considerably smaller than themselves.
> >>
> >>I have done a lot of experimentation in my home by carefully closing off
> >>all 'known' entry sources, yet this creature, much larger that many
> >>other smaller insects who can't find a way in, manage to come in almost
> >>at will.
> >>
> >>Is there any reason to think that they have particular abilities to
> >>enter places where other insects are prohibited?
> >>
> >>I would appreciate any thoughts.
> >
> >
> >Hmmmm.  I'll add to Eric Metzler's off-the-cuff comments.  First of all,
> why
> >are these moths referred to as Millers?  Sounds like they might be able to
> >bore into wood as larvae.  Secondly, and this is just an extension of the
> >first point, is there any reason to question whether they are in fact
> >entering as larvae and pupating indoors?  My problem with the idea that the
> >moth is squeezing indoors as an adult is that this doesn't seem to fit
> their
> >design (relatively flat as they may be).  Still, if they really wanted to
> >get in, they wouldn't need much of an opening.
> >
> >Now would be a good time for someone with some real insight to step in...
> >
> >Mark Walker
> >Castleton, VT
> >

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