D'Abrera on Science and Philosophy
Michael Gochfeld
gochfeld at eohsi.rutgers.edu
Mon Jul 27 07:59:32 EDT 1998
J. Hanlon wrote:
"To sum it up, I guess D'Abrera is saying that science can not and
should not vainly think that it can explain everything, but I am
particularly interest."
Try telling that to a molecular biologist who thinks that tissue culture
is "in vivo".
Along the same lines I was struck by the title of a 1920's physiology
text "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made". I don't remember whether I got to
open the book or whether it was decent physiology, but the title
reflected that author's wonderment and confusion.
I have recently been asking biochemists and molecular biologists whether
they anticipate that in the next 25 years science will unpeel the same
number of levels of complexity that have been "revealed" by molecular
genetics and cell biology research over the past 25 years. The answer
has been uniformly "yes" which means they feel (their words) that "we
are no closer to understanding the mystery of life" than we were then
(25 years ago). But they have more rather than less optimism about what
research at these levels will unfold. Whether it will ever explain the
butterfly wing pattern is another matter.
M. Gochfeld
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