1920's Scientific Names Needed

Charles Ellenbrook ecebrook at sirinet.net
Mon Jul 27 22:27:54 EDT 1998

In doing research on a pioneer naturalist of this area, Joseph E.
Hallinen, I have come across a list of butterflies that he collected in
1918-1919.  Hallinen listed, in handwriting,  only the scientific names
of the butterflies he collected and send to Dr. Skinner of the Academy
of Natural Sciences at Philadephia. I'm guessing some of the scientific
names of butterflies have changed over the years.I need the new
scientific name and common name.  Below are listed some of the names I
need help with:

1.  Pyrameis atalanta  {Painted Lady????)
2.  Pyrameis coidui
3.  Sycaena honno
4.  Gropta interogationis 
5.  Hesperia tessellata
6.  Popilio osterias or asterias

If anyone could help me I would appreciate it.   Thank you.

Charles Ellenbrook
Lawton, Oklahoma and the ancient Wichita Mountains of SW Oklahoma
ecebrook at sirinet.net

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