1920's Scientific Names Needed
Kenelm Philip
fnkwp at aurora.alaska.edu
Tue Jul 28 00:11:33 EDT 1998
Charles Ellenbrook inquired about some older scientific names for
butterflies. I suspect that some of these also got misspelled somewhere
along the way. Here are my suggestions for current names:
1. Pyrameis atalanta = Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral)
2. Pyrameis coidui = Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady)
3. Sycaena honno = Hemiargus ceraunus (Ceraunus Blue) *
4. Gropta interogationis = Polygonia interrogationis (Question Mark)
5. Hesperia tessellata = Pyrgus communis (Common Checkered-Skipper)
6. Popilio osterias or asterias= Papilio polyxenes asterias (Black Swallow-
* This is a bit confused. 'Sycionia' is a misspelling by Huebner (1826)
of 'Sicyonia' (Huebner 1816)--and refers to the genus Heliconius. On the
other hand, there was a reference in the Dyar List (1902) to Hemiargus
now known as Hemiargus ceraunus (Ceraunus Blue). My guess is that 'Sycaena'
is a misspelling for Lycaena, rather than being a variant of 'Sicyonia',
and then 'honno' is another misspelling for 'hanno'.
Ken Philip
fnkwp at aurora.alaska.edu
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