leps-l has a new gateway

Lawrence F. Gall lawrence.gall at yale.edu
Wed Jun 17 15:20:38 EDT 1998

To all leps-l and sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera subscribers:

For the past few years, American University has been providing a free
gateway service that allows email sent to leps-l to also reach
the newsgroup sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera, and vice versa. 

American University will stop providing this service in the future,
and an alternate service provider, newsguy.com, has stepped forward
to continue gating for leps-l (and many other lists).  We switched
leps-l over to the newsguy.com gateway this week, and this new service
appears to be efficient and reliable.  

Happy lepping, remember that http://www.peabody.yale.edu/other/lepsl 
carries subscription and related information!

(leps-l listowner)

: Lawrence F. Gall                   e-mail: lawrence.gall at yale.edu  :
: Computer Systems Office             voice: 1-203-432-9892          :
: Peabody Museum of Natural History     FAX: 1-203-432-9816          :
: P.O. Box 208118, Yale University     http://www.peabody.yale.edu   :
: New Haven, CT 06520-8118 USA                                       :

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