Speyeria atlantis

Mark Walker mwalker at aisvt.bfg.com
Fri Jun 19 10:06:03 EDT 1998

In the bursts of cloud-shrouded sunlight yesterday (6/18/98), I enjoyed some
good butterflying.  The Limenitis [Basilarchia] arthemis was particularly
common (numbers exceeding 100), and I was pleased to find Speyeria atlantis
in numbers as well (I spotted over 12).  I was located just West of Lincoln,
Addison Co., VT.

Just as a note, sightings for this species are not shown for Addison Co. on
the NPWRC online distribution map.  I think this is primarily because there
are few who are looking outside of the populated areas of Vermont.

Other species sighted:

Pieris oleracea - 2 relatively fresh
Papilio canadensis - 12 (not as common as two weeks ago, but still numerous)
Glaucopsyche lygdamus - 1
Phyciodes cocyta - 8
Nymphalis antiopa - 3
Megisto cymela - 1
Coenonympha tullia - 12
Erynnis icelus - 1
Carterocephalus palaemon - 1
Polites mystic - 2
Poanes hobomok - 6
Thymelicus lineola - >20

Mark Walker
BFGoodrich Aerospace AIS
100 Panton Rd.
Vergennes, VT 05491
mwalker at aisvt.bfg.com
(802) 877-4770

"If I can't sell it,
      I'll sit on it."
Ruth Brown

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