SATURNIID rearing info now up

lday at lday at
Fri Jun 19 14:02:32 EDT 1998

Finally, after months of vital procrastination, I have put a small
(9 pages) piece up on my web site, called "Care of Saturniid Moths".
It contains pretty complete, but very basic, info on how to rear
the large saturniids found in the eastern US.  It's meant for teachers,
beginning hobbyists, or anybody who wants to raise a few batches
of something common and not have them die.  

Lemme know what you think!  :-)
(PLEASE note - I'm NOT subscribed to the lists, so email privately - THANKS)

Liz Day   
(and parakeet Tweeter-Boinger, who takes a dim view of all those caterpillars)
LDAY at 
Indianapolis, Indiana, central USA - 40 N latitude, zone 5.   (go here and the link is right at the top)

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