Herts & Middx Butterfly Report

J.B.Murray (John Murray) J.B.Murray at open.ac.uk
Mon Jun 22 07:16:43 EDT 1998

The Hertfordshire & Middlesex Butterfly and Moth Report for 1997 is now

It summarises how 41 species of butterfly fared in the two counties in 1997, and
includes tetrad distribution maps and weekly abundance histograms for most
species, plus details of first, last and peak dates of the flight period,
maximum numbers seen, changes in abundance and range since 1996 etc. etc. and
both summaries and tables of weekly numbers of each species from 44 transect
walks distributed throughout the area.  

There is a larger moth review this year by Rob Souter, with tetrad distribution
maps of Hawk moths and day-flying moths, and species accounts of the major
families, plus details of the rarer moths trapped in 1997 at 28 sites in
Hertfordshire and Middlesex.  

There are 57 pages, three of which are in full colour, and the text is
illustrated with black and white photographs throughout.  

Free to members of the Herts & Middx Branch of Butterfly Conservation, it can be
obtained for #3-50 (three pounds & fifty pence) from the address below.  Prices
for Europe are 5 pounds, and for the USA 10 dollars.  For your copy, send a
cheque made out to "Butterfly Conservation Herts & Middx Branch" to:

John Murray
"Field End"         Email: j.b.murray at open.ac.uk
Marshalls Heath,
Wheathampstead,     Home 'phone (0)1582 833544
Herts AL4 8HS       Work 'phone (0)1908 652118

Email me for details of payment methods for the USA and Europe.

John Murray

It summarises observations by 160 observers of 122,395 individual butterflies
comprising 40 species.  There are longer features on the Painted Lady (C.cardui)
and Wall (Lasiommata megera) butterflies, and for the first time we are
including a moths section collated by Rob Souter.  We have had the report
professionally bound and printed this year.

It is A4 size, 55 pages, 11 colour photographs, 38 maps and 30 abundance graphs,
with raw data from 38 transects.  

The picture is encouraging for many species, with two-thirds showing increased
numbers over 1995.  Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus), White-letter Hairstreak
(Satyrium w-album), Essex Skipper (Thymelicus lineola) and Purple Hairstreak
(Quercusia quercus), plus of course the Painted Lady and Clouded Yellow (Colias
Hyale), all more than doubled their numbers.  The Grizzled Skipper (Pyrgus
malvae) has reappeared at 6 sites after not being seen at all last year, and the
Brown Argus (Aricia agestis) has increased its range by nearly 300%.  

However, the situation is serious for 7 rarer species.  The Small Blue (Cupido
minimus) was not seen at all, and the Silver-washed Fritillary (Argynnis paphia)
and the Duke of Burgundy (Hamearis lucina) were both represented by a single
possible sighting only, and the only evidence of Brown Hairstreak (Thecla
betulae) was a single egg found in March.  Dingy Skipper (Erynnis tages), Green
Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi) and Wall (Lasiommata megera) are declining species
which are all dangerously low and may disappear at any moment.  

Price: 3 pounds (U.K.)
       5 pounds (Europe)
      10 dollars (USA)
      Free to Butterfly Conservation Herts & Middx Branch members

For your copy, send a cheque made out to "Butterfly Conservation Herts & Middx
Branch" to:

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