Introduction. -Reply

Nick Greatorex-Davies NGD at
Mon Jun 22 07:02:49 EDT 1998

Sounds like a caterpillar of the Mullein moth (Cucullia verbasci, family
Noctuidae). In Britain normally feeds on Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) or
the Figworts (Scrophularia nodosa and S. auriculata), but Buddleia is a
known alternative foodplant (I have found larvae on it myself). The moth
is widespread and quite common in England, but one tends to see the
larvae rther more frequently than the moth (which does come to light
traps occasionally).


Nick Greatorex-Davies
ITE Monks Wood

>>> "Ceri Jones" <ceri.j at> 22/June/1998 11:03am >>>
Hello Everyone, I am new to the list, and I was very pleased to find it.
I live in the town of Barry In the Vale of Glamorgan Wales, Both my wife
myself are very interested in observing butterflies etc.
I am trying to identify a caterpillar that I have on my budlia plants.
it is approx. 1.5 inches long pale pastel green with black and yellow dots
on it it has some hairs but not many. looking at it from the top
the colour of the dots is black yellow then black again I hope someone
help, I must get some more books by the looks of it.
We turned our garden into a butterfly friendly zone four years ago and
started to reap the benefits last year, when speckled woods started to
Eggs on the longer grass that I left for them. thanks in advance Ceri
Ceri Jones.  Wales U.K.
International Asclepiad Society. Seed Bank Secretary.

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