Clouded Yellow etc in Herts UK

Chris Raper triocomp at
Mon Jun 22 08:39:55 EDT 1998

On 22 Jun 1998 04:28:34 -0700, J.B.Murray at OPEN.AC.UK (J.B.Murray  ,
John Murray) wrote:

>I also got a ?noctuid moth that I can't find in Skinner.  The outer edge of the
>forewing had a vaguely similar pattern to a Clouded Brindle, but the rest of the
>wing was paler and fairly featureless apart from a prominent dark marking in the
>centre of the wing shaped like a screwed up ball of paper.  

Hi John,

Watch out for Clouded Brindle - it is a very variable species. I
caught a couple the other night which were quite different from each
other. A few years ago I caught a very pale one which stumped me.
After taking it to an expert it was finally identified as CB but I
have shown it to other moth people since who have been similarly foxed
by the colouration. I think the most stable feature is the thin black
line around the edge of one of the stigmas (orbicular?)

Hope that helps
Chris R.

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