Glanville Fritillary info please

Andrew Daw andrewd at
Thu Jun 25 11:06:26 EDT 1998

Our local colony was out in force when I went to see them in late May (28th or
29th - I haven't got my notebook with me for the precise date) about a month
ago.  I normally only get a chance to see them once a year, so I don't know
how they are doing now, but I guess they are either over or getting to the
end of their flight period.

Anyone else have more precise info ?
> The only 'regular' British butterfly that I have yet to see is Glanville 
> Fritillary. Another rainy June (combined with the World Cup and moving 
> house) has meant that I probably won't get the chance to look for them 
> this year until July 4th. My question is: Assuming the weather is good, 
> is it worth me going or is it definitely too late.
> I've been over to the IoW (specifically for GF) twice before and, due to 
> bad weather, have failed to see them. I don't want to go again unless 
> there's a reasonable chance. Any advice?
> Toby Austin
> Hertfordshire
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* Redac Systems Ltd            email:  andrewd at        *
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