Polyphemus rescue

Doug stelenes at pobox.com
Fri Jun 26 00:34:40 EDT 1998

Anne Kilmer wrote:
<.....I hate Bt and would like to persuade everyone that it will also turn your
children green.  Unfortunately, prejudice is not a good substitute for
scientific accuracy.   Cheers  Anne Kilmer South Florida...>

Anne, I too yearn for a world in which large scale farming is not necessary to
support an overpopulated world with with extravagant "needs".  Good science
even has a US government attempted definition:  "Significant consensus from
scientists who publish in peer reviewed journals when considering the totality
of the evidence."  While this is sometimes laughable, I don't know that anyone
has a better definition...Saludos.  Doug.

Douglas David Dawn
N.  25º 37.408'
W. 100º 22.003'
Altitude 910 meters
Sylvania Pinus-Quercus

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