Early Spring Sightings

Dr. James Adams jadams at carpet.dalton.peachnet.edu
Mon Mar 2 10:15:16 EST 1998

Dear listers,

        I agree with John Calhoun's assessment of the V. virgniniensis 
capabilities of overwintering -- I've seen them a couple of times 
this winter on warm days here in N. Georgia.  I must admit, even 
though the winters are never really bad here in Dalton, I still envy 
Anne and John living in a place where Zebras, White Peacocks, etc. 
are on the wing in January.  Sigh.  (I hear Gary Anweiler sighing 
from Canada all the way down here!!)  

Still, we've had some unseasonably warm late February weather here, 
and I have seen a couple of butterfly eclosers as well.  Celastrina 
were flying here on the 25th of February, and I also saw one Silvery 
Blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus) on the 27th.  Interestingly, I've seen 
no Orange Tips (Anthocharis midea) yet -- these almost always emerge  
virtually simultaneously with the Celastrina.  The next few days are 
supposed to be more seasonal.  I hope the butterflies, and the trees 
that have started blooming, don't suffer too much!

Much more interesting for me have been the moths that have been out.  
Many of the hibernators have been out in force recently, including 
several species of Lithophane and Pyrrefera pettiti, but some early 
spring moths have begun to emerge, including several Psaphida, 
Nacophora quernaria, and the unusual geometrid Ceratonyx satanaria.  
I always enjoy this time of year, and look forward to the spring with 
great anticipation! 


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