perpetuating myths

Kenelm Philip fnkwp at
Sun Mar 8 03:14:25 EST 1998

	We now have a report of a free permit for collecting in Mexico.
Before everyone plans to rush down there, note the following:

	It's not a myth that Mexico charges high fees for permits. There
is a recent loophole, however: a Mexican colleague can include you in a
free permit, under the condition that a sizeable part of the take remains
in Mexico. In the ornithogical world, the permit application must be made
through the Mexican Embassy a few months in advance. A 'sizeable' part
can be 60% of the catch.

	The other news is that the Mexican government, according to an
ornithologist here who worked in Mexico last summer, is in the process
of reconsidering its policies regarding foreign collectors. The result
_may_ be an easing of the restrictions--which at this time are such that
many US scientists choose not to work in the country. So, at this time,
it's rather difficult to say exactly _what_ the Mexican policies will be
next year, or the year after.

							Ken Philip
fnkwp at

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