List of Holarctic butterflies - text or formatted file
Markku Savela
msa at
Fri Mar 27 02:54:59 EST 1998
[I posted this some days ago, but it appears to be not going out from
my usual news server... ]
I have an incomplete and (taxonomically) messy list of butterflies
which tries to include as many names as I can get my hands on. It
should inlcude all species mentioned in the D'Abrera's Holarctic
Butterflies, but it also includes many more. Currently, extracting
just the holarctic ones would require some additional work to generate
such a list.
Beware also: I just enter the names, and when using multiple sources,
I may enter names separately that are really synonyms, according to
some studies. But, I prefer to have all names entered, rather than
leaving anything out, and I will combine synonyms when I get the info.
The current lists are on page
and specificically, the list that includes all butterflies I have so
far entered into the system is
(beware, this is large file, about 4700 taxons, in about 300Kb HTML
*NOTE* Do not bookmark "lepidoptera-6-list.html" directly! The number
is just currently in use and may change as I add more data
into the system. Bookmark the warp/index.html, or
or to get overview of what I have, mark this
Markku Savela (msa at, Technical Research Centre of Finland
Multimedia Systems, P.O.Box 1203,FIN-02044 VTT,
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