Nymphalis feeding

Daniel Glaeske dglaeske at epping.ndak.net
Tue Mar 31 12:15:28 EST 1998

Kenelm Philip wrote:
>         _Nymphalis milberti_ (Milbert's Tortoise Shell) certainly feeds
> at flowers in Alaska. I do not recall having seen _N. antiopa_ (Mourning
> Cloak) doing so . . .
>         I have seen _Polygonia faunus_ (Green Comma) and _P. satyrus_
> (Satyr Anglewing) feeding at dandelions near Haines.
>                                                         Ken Philip
> fnkwp at aurora.alaska.edu

Haven't seen any N.vau-album here in North Dakota, and N. milberti is
rather uncommon and tends to occur early in spring or late in fall when
there is not a lot of nectar sources.  I have seen N.milberti puddling
at seeps in the badlands (probably rich in salts) as well as lilacs and
dandelions.  We have a pine tree alongside our house that exuded sap
last fall.  At one time I counted 2 N. antiopa, 7 Red Admirals and 3
Painted Ladies on a 12-foot high tree!  Occasionally I'd see antiopa
nectaring at the flowers near the pine tree (mainly Tithonia and
marigolds), but usually they were after the sap on the pine.  Actually,
I did see some antiopa in the spring on apple blossoms, but they may
have been after sap then, too.  


It's easy to find something worth dying for.
Do you have anything worth living

- Lorien to Captain Sheridan in the chasm on Z'Ha'Dum

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