Summer Graduate Research Course in Costa Rica (Corcovado National Park)

Larry Gilbert lgilbert at
Tue Mar 31 14:43:19 EST 1998

Summer Graduate Research Course in Costa Rica (Corcovado National Park)

Dr. Larry Gilbert is again offering his Graduate Field Course in
Rainforest Research (Zoo384L) in Corcovado National Park, Sirena
Station, Costa Rica this summer. In order to get credit for the course,
you have to register at UT Austin as a Transient Student. If you wish to
take it, please contact him directly as soon as possible at
<lgilbert at>  If you know of other students who might be
interested in taking it, please pass along this notice.  Note that this
course is for graduate students.

You may check out the course website at
<> (please note the final letter
is lower case L, not one). The permit process changes frequently and the
web pages have to be updated, so be sure to check the date at the bottom
of the web page to affirm that you have the most up-to-date information.

This is an excellent course for first or second year grad students who
are interested in getting experience or beginning research in the
tropics. The course is designed to let each student develop a summer
project from the ground up. You make your own research plans and apply
for permits yourself (very important experience to have for doing
foreign field work). Dr. Gilbert will help you through the processes and
assist you in refining experimental methodology in the field. The course
also involves informal readings and discussions on the ecology and
natural history of lowland tropical rainforests.

Sirena station is one of the few places left in Central America where
you can easily access an enormous variety of tropical habitats in a
place that is reasonably far from human impact. This is excellent
opportunity for gaining field experience.

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