migration in 1998.

Bart Vanholder bvholder at innet.be
Thu May 7 11:33:06 EDT 1998

Dear LEPS-netters

I collated so far a few reports of Migrant Lepidoptera in 1998 (Europe).
Anyone who has an interesting report on migrant Leps, please mail me.

Greetings, you have bene warned, migrant weather is approaching...
Bart Vanholder
Belgian Migrant Lepidoptera Survey
Droeskouter 33
B-9450 Haaltert
e-mail: bvholder at innet.be 
homepage Migrant Leps http://www.club.innet.be/~pub00644/
homepage Sesiidae     http://www.club.innet.be/~pub00644/sesiid/seslist.htm

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