RE Migrant in Herts, UK

Andrew Daw andrewd at
Thu May 14 08:05:54 EDT 1998

> Havn't had a Diamond Back but saw a Silver Y (Autographa gamma) yesterday=

I also saw a Silver-Y Moth (Autographa gamma) on Saturday 8th May at Somerford
Common (Wiltshire) near Cirencester.  In the afternoon at Prestbury Hill
(Gloucestershire) near Cheltenham I also saw a Red Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta).
It was showing territorial behaviour and was flying up and down a short
section of a path.  It 'buzzed' me twice.  I also saw my first Green Hairstreak
(Callophrys rubi) for the year at Prestbury Hill too.  The place I normally go
to see them on the site had had some "management" over the winter and their
favourite (or is it mine?) bush had been chopped down. C'est la vie.

My first Red Admiral for the year was seen the weekend before at Highnam
Woods (Gloucestershire) just outside Gloucester (Saturday 2nd May). It was also
the day I saw my first Holly Blues (Celastrina argiolus) of 1998 - total of 25 .

> daytime at Rickneys Quarry north of Hertford and had one in my trap this
> morning in nearby Bengeo. Also Red Admirals (Vanessa Atalanta) in
> Harlington, Middlesex on 9/5/98, Near Weston, Herts (2) 10/5/98 and Ware,=
> Herts (12/5/98)
> Andrew Wood
> Bengeo
> Herts
> UK
* Andrew Daw                   tel  :  +44 (0)1454 207 800        *
* Redac Systems Ltd            email:  andrewd at        *
* 1500 Aztec West              web  :     *
* Almondsbury , Bristol BS32 4RF                                  *

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