V Pug??

Graham Dixon Troubleatmill at btinternet.com
Sat May 16 03:44:45 EDT 1998

Last night I put out my UV light trap, for the first time this year
(prompted because I had seen several moths  in the car headlight beams).

The result was a very sparse catch indeed:-

1 Poplar Hawk.
1 Scalloped Hazel (light form).
1 Early Grey.

However there was another small visitor that was definitely new to my

It was a Pug moth

The fore-wings were green with a dark postmedian facia (with a definite V
The hind-wings were a straw/grey colour.
Two dark bands around the body at te joint between the thorax & abdomen.

I looked in "Skinners guide" however the pug moth photographs leave a lot
to be desired.

Having checked my Collins guide, I'm certain that this specimen is a V Pug
 Chloroclystis v-ata.
The illustration therein is absolutely spot-on.

In Skinners description, he mentions (twice) that this moth is not common
in NW England. I live in Hoghton near Preston.

How common are V pugs in this part of the country?

Graham Dixon

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