
Kenelm Philip fnkwp at
Thu May 21 01:06:13 EDT 1998

	For subspecies, here's a list--which may not be complete, but it's
a start....

_Parnassius eversmanii thor_ Menetries, 1849
            clodius clodius_ Menetries, 1855
                    strohbeeni_ Sternitzky, 1945
                    sol_ Bryk & Eisner, 1932
                    baldur_ W. H. Edwards, 1877
                    claudianus_ Stichel, 1907
                    pseudogallatinus_ Bryk, 1913
                    incredibilis_ Bryk, 1932
                    altarus_ Dyar, 1903
                    gallatinus_ Stichel, 1907
                    menetriesi_ Hy. Edwards, 1877
                    shepardi_ Eisner, 1966
            phoebus behrii_ W. H. Edwards, 1870
                    sternitzky_ McDunnough, 1936
                    olympiannus_ Burdick, 1941
                    smintheus_ Doubleday, [1847]
                    montanulus_ Bryk & Eisner, 1935
                    sayii_ W. H. Edwards, 1863
                    pseudorotgeri_ Eisner, 1966
                    apricatus_ Stichel, 1906
                    golovinus_ Holland, 1930
                    alaskensis_ Eisner, 1956
                    elias_ Bryk, 1934
                    yukonensis_ Eisner, 1969
Recently, _P. phoebus_ is being split into two species: _phoebus_ and
_smintheus_. The latter flies in the Rocky Mountains, but _yukonensis_,
as well as the population at Lake Laberge, YT, would appear to be _smin-

							Ken Philip
fnkwp at

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