Some lifecycle questions about the Silvery Blue

Shueyi at Shueyi at
Fri May 29 15:52:16 EDT 1998

In a message dated 98-05-29 13:04:00 EDT, you write:

 Paul Opler's Eastern Butterfly Guide says that the larval food of the 
 Silvery Blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus) are vetches. Does the butterfly 
 have a preference among vetches or does it vary geographically? Someone 
 told me that the butterfly prefers purple vetch in SE Michigan. Is this 
 Also how does the Silvery Blue spend the winter? As eggs, caterpillars, 
 or in a cacoon. I would to observe some feeding caterpillars.
  In south-eastern Ohio, G. lydamus lygdamus feeds on wood vetch (Vicia
caroliniana).  In Northwestern INdiana, I have found larvae on a vetchling -
probably Lathyrus venosus.  These silvery blues are probably referable to
subspecies cooperi.

John Shuey

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